Are you going to the moon?

As part of the 40th Anniversary of the landing on the moon, we're going to celebrate by going back - in cyberspace. On July 16th, 2009, exactly 40 years to the second, we are recreating the Apollo 11 mission online. You're invited to climb onboard with Buzz, Neal and Michael by going to a special teaser site. Sign up for email, download the app, follow on Twitter. Just go to it's going to be a blast. Art director: Brian Williams. Copy: Wade Alger. Producers: Norma Kwee, Darbi Fretwell. Production Company: Domani Studios, Brooklyn, NY.

We are doing it because it is hard.

1962. John Kennedy declares America is going to the moon. And we're going to do it not because it's easy but because it's hard. (Or, haaaaad.) The speech is still inspiring 40 years later. So much so, it inspired a very talented team at Martin to come up with a beautiful magazine campaign, now finding it's way into national publications. Art director: Brian Williams. Copy: Wade Alger. CD: Joe Alexander Producer: Jenny Schoenherr. Art Buyer: CIndy Hicks.